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Wow. I can't believe Easter has come and gone. Time is really flying by. I think days go by quicker as we get older. Seems like when I was younger time just always ticked by. Now it seems like I get home from work and by the time I get everything done it is bedtime. Well, whatcha gonna do.
Any who, La Princesa had to work that Easter Sunday, which kind of bit the big one, but she didn't have to work a double shift. We ventured on over to the west side to enjoy Easter with La familia. All of my in-laws grandkiddos were there.
I didn't get a lot of pics from Easter, big regret, so I just decided to post a couple. Here is a pic of the beautiful table that the chicks sat at while the roosters sat at another table. Funny how my MIL likes seperating everyone. Of course the women talked about family, kids and life and the men were all about business. I liked her plan. Who wants to here about business on Easter Sunday. Yawn!
The next pic is of the muy delicioso treats my SIL made. They looked great and tasted yummy. If I wasn't rolling myself out of there when we left I probably would of hijacked a few for my secret cabinet. hehehe
Books don't hold up too well in a teenager’s backpack. I bought this book new and then decided to let my daughter read it and now look at it. I was hoping to pass it on b/c it is such a good read but not sure how much longer it can hold up.
I would highly recommend this book. I finished it in a week. I know, not a record holder but in my life it is. I love the use of imagery in a book and this definitely has it.
I picked it up on a whim when I was passing through Barnes and Noble. Bad thing for me to do b/c there is always too much temptation for me there. Anyway, I saw it and read the back and thought this will be a good book to add to my pile of books that are waiting to be read. Well, this went from bottom to top b/c curiosity got the best of me. I'm sure everyone has their own opinion about this book but it made my top ten list. Definitely a good read.
Who would of thought that the blog that I posted on 5-3-08, I'm a Cheer Mom, would of sparked the interest of Wife Swap. Yes, I said Wife Swap. I posted the same blurb on our family website. The Hunkmeister reads all comments submitted on our website before publishing. Last week he received a submitted comment from the Casting Director from Wife Swap with information about the show and wanting to know if we were interested in submitting our story and if picked possibly audition, to be on Season 5. I thought the idea was totally hilarious. I asked him if he was going to publish the comment but he said he couldn't because it has her contact information plus there is a confidentiality statement below the e-mail.
If you’re curious to see what they are looking for you can Google: Wife Swap Casting Call for Season 5 Cheer.
We chose to pass with submitting our story. I told him that it would be pretty doubtful if we would be picked b/c I'm not an extreme Cheer Mom. Okay, I may be extreme in the fact that I wouldn't let my daughter quit in the middle of cheer when things started getting tough. She needed to be taught about perseverance and you all have heard of that old saying, "When Things Get Tough, the Tough Get Going. Not only that I forked over mucho dinero but that's beside the point. If I thought it would have been detrimental to her mental or physical well being I would of let her quit in a heart beat. I just knew that things started getting tough and the pressure was on. I told her once she got on that stage and made it through her first competition, she would be hooked. I was right. She loved it; after all she takes after her mother as far as the thrill of performing. Besides, she can't be a quitter. Cheer has been good for her. I know it has taught her a lot about team work and has given her a great sense of pride. She should feel very proud b/c I know I am very proud of her.
If you are looking for a new fun-filled game to play during these hard economic times, Trash Can Jenga is a game for you. It is suited for all ages, as long as you can reach the trash can. You can play solo or with as many players that wish to participate. Object of the game: Stack as much recyclable trash as you can without toppling the whole load. The player who places the last piece on the top and causes it to crash down is the loser and gets to take the trash out. This load lasted almost a week and came down last night, the night after this picture was taken. Warning! This game can go on for days so if you are planning a party or if you are a neat freak, this is not the game for you.

Here is the culprit that is responsible for my wine facials. My rabbit must be on the fritz. I now feel that I must take the blame away from the flimsy particle board type cork that is in the organic wine and place it on my opener. I guess if the blame can’t be placed on the opener than it must be placed on the user. Although I must say I haven't had any other issues with opening a bottle of wine in the past.
I bought a regular bottle of wine, Dancing Bull, and had the same result. AT least this time it thrust the cork all the way through. It still shot the wine up in the air. So, after experiencing my third wine facial I decided to Google wine facials to see if they exist. Well, they do exist and if you must know they make your skin glow. Indian women who are opposed to liquor have been getting wine facials and they say it makes the skin glow and relieves headache and tension. So not only can you drink your wine you can also slap it on your skin the next time you have a headache or feel any kind of tension. Goda di buona salute, vino della bevanda. Translation: Enjoy good health, drink wine.
Nothing is more embarrassing than getting somewhere and realizing that you forgot your purse. Yes, I was scrambling out of the house to go and run errands and I forgot to do the check. You know what I mean.
Cell Phone
Car Keys
Sunglasses(definite must for Arizona)
Grocery List (I usually forget this one)
While I'm driving I was contemplating on whether or not to go through Starbucks. I was playing in my mind whether I should get it to enjoy while driving to run my errands or wait until I went grocery shopping at Target and enjoy it then. Well, thank goodness I decided to get it to enjoy while driving. As I was waiting in line at the local Starbuck's drive thru, I pull up to place my order and reach for my purse. I'm looking on the floor, in the back seat, on the side of me. Nothing. I couldn't believe I forgot my purse. It was at that moment in time I was wondering what I should do. Should I take the chance and back up all the way out hoping that no one would pull up behind me or just wait my turn and tell the wonderful Starbuck's person what I had done and just own up to my embarrassment like a real person. So, I drive up and the wonderfully, fully caffeinated Starbuck's girl asks me for my order. I then have to tell her that I forgot my purse. How embarrassing. She said, "No Problem, let us treat you." I told her, "No that is quite alright, I couldn't do that." She said, "I insist, let us treat you." I said, "No again, that is O.K. I will just go home and come back." Then once again, she said, "it is really no problem and they would love to treat me." So, I finally said, O.K. I ordered my usual without the extra shot b/c I didn't want to seem too greedy. I was then very grateful b/c not only did I get a free cup of jo, I also realized that I had forgotten my purse only 10 minutes away from my house versus 30 minutes away had I not stopped at Starbucks. Thank you Starbuck's.

No it's not the prequel to Indian in the Cupboard, it's my hidden stash of goodies. No, I'm not a bulimic who has a hidden stash to go on a secret binge. I just have my hidden stash to keep away from the muncha-saurus rex's that lives in my house. These are good for you goodies. O.K. maybe not the chocolate or the vegan cookies but they are healthier than the regular stuff. I can slowly munch on this stuff but if it goes into the regular pantry it will be gone in a blink of an eye.
I know I can't be the only one in the universe that has a secret hiding spot. You know who you are. You can't tell me that you have never hidden the last cookie or a the last chocolate bar so the minute you were alone you could just kick up your feet and enjoy, relishing every bite. Mmmmmmm. To our defense, I think we are left with no choice. I place blame on the men. Men are the King of muncha-saurus rexs'. O.K. I know I have my moments where I can't put down something but have you ever seen a man sit down and have a couple of bites of food and get up and say he is done. No, men swoop in and inhale like it's the last supper. The thing that pisses me off the most is my husband can eat 3000 plus calories of bad for you food and beer not gain an ounce and I eat an apple and it goes straight to my thighs. Ugh!
PS: For all of you secret stashers, if you would like me to post a pic of your favorite hiding spot send me an e-mail with a picture to: Come on, join in the fun.