I started out good this year. I began setting up my trees the weekend before Thanksgiving. I just wanted to get ahead of the ballgame but my plan slowly fell apart. My plan was to do the setup the weekend before and have everything decorated by Thanksgiving weekend. Well, that didn't happen and I can't even blame it on Black Friday. I think what took up the majority of my time this year was the 9 foot tree. I think this puppy will make it out into the yard sale in the new year. See I've become spoiled with prelit trees. This is our first tree that we bought in Arizona. I remember we bought this back in 2002 and Hunky J and I stayed up until 2:30 am hanging little red balls all over it on Christmas morning. We both had been working long hours and neither of us had had the time to put it up. We couldn't have Christmas without a Christmas tree and how sad would it be not to even be decorated. Not that little shiny red balls was a big thing but at least it wasn't bare.
If setup wasn't bad enough I'm dreading when I take this sucker down b/c I geniusly wrapped and wound the lights through out each branch. As you can see in this picture I didn't even have time to put a tree skirt around it this year. Hence the picture not showing the bottom of the tree. And please don't pay attention to the ugly treadmill displayed right next to it. We had to find some place to put it so why not next to the tree that was the biggest pain in the arse. Tis the season to be jolly.
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