Here is a panoramic pic of me in Sedona. Hunky J and I stayed at the Wishing Well Bed and Breakfast. We did a wine tasting in our room and the winning wine went along with us on a hike behind the B&B. I forgot the camera and had to go all the way back down the the car so I could take come pics. This camera has a panoramic option. Sedona is such a pretty, pretty place.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Pretty, Pretty Sedona
Here is a panoramic pic of me in Sedona. Hunky J and I stayed at the Wishing Well Bed and Breakfast. We did a wine tasting in our room and the winning wine went along with us on a hike behind the B&B. I forgot the camera and had to go all the way back down the the car so I could take come pics. This camera has a panoramic option. Sedona is such a pretty, pretty place.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Let There Be Fire!!!!!!!!
O.K. I had to post a blog to this picture. This is Hunky J after having a bit too much to drink at the Halloween Bash. He thought it would be really cool to build this huge fire in our fire pit. Then he thought it would be really cool to stand in front of the big fire. La Princesa, his sister and his Mom, were ready to come unglued. They thought he was going to catch on fire. Robinetta came to the rescue and threw water on it causing a big puff of smoke. Here is a pic of him in front of a fire.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
Look! It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I don't think so. I think if Linus saw this pumpkin coming out of the pumpkin patch, it would of scared the holy crap out of him. Instead of delivering presents to good boys and girls this pumpkin is more than likely to be eating little boys and girls. Hunky J, my hubby, is the artist of this masterpiece. I bailed last minute to continue preparations for this year's Halloween Zombie fest at our house. Kind of crazy this year b/c we had our Halloween party after Halloween.
I would definitely say our pumpkins have come a long way from the first ones we carved when we first moved here. I thought we would be real ambitious, so I bought 4 pumpkins one for each of us. I thought this would be a great family activity. Yeah right! So after a lot of complaining and hair pulling we managed to get four pumpkins up and ready. We displayed them on our mini-patio that was attached to our apartment. The first thing we learned about carving pumpkins in Arizona, is not to carve them too early. Between the cool evenings and the scorching hot afternoons, our pumpkins mutated into mush. That would all be fine and dandy, kind of adds to the horror of it all with the exception of the bad smell that came along with it. Well, we skipped a few years after that. I think we all were a bit traumatized after the whole experience. We've decided to work as a team and if the kids don't want to participate, we don't hold them hostage. It's more peaceful that way.
The Graveyard Shift
It's that time of year again. I think Halloween would have to be one of my favorite times to decorate. I love pulling out all of our Halloween decorations. I start looking in the stores shortly after school begins b/c I know Halloween decorations will start creeping there way in. I don't know who gets more excited, Hunky J or me. We definitely have more ideas than money that's for sure. It would be quite scary to see what our house would look like if we had a money tree growing in our backyard. I think it is pretty extreme as it is. I know we are the spookiest house in the neighborhood. This year we had some dirt leftover from planting new trees. It was just sitting there at the corner of our driveway when Hunky J came up with the idea of making a graveyard. This is a picture of our graveyard. It turned out really great. The only problem is I don't have any idea of what we can do next year that will top this.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Boys Will Be Boys
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Ice Cube, Ice Tea, Ice Cube
Here we are at LAX heading on our way out. Mary spotted Ice Cube. The funny thing is we didn't know if he was Ice Cube or Ice T. We wanted to know his name before we went up to him. I made the move to go and talk to his body guard. I wanted to see if Ice Cube would mind if we took a picture with him. The body guard was really nice and said just give him a minute and let him finish his conversation that he was having with some guy. Ice Cube was really nice and he let us snap a photo. He looks a lot taller on the movie screen. So, here we are with evidence of us rubbing elbows with a rap singer/movie star.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Hollywood & Vine Girl's Trip
Here is a group pic of us eating at the Hollywood & Vine restaurant. I wished we had more time to walk up and down and do a little more sightseeing while we were in Hollywood. We went to see Wicked after this. WE all loved it. I was a little bummed b/c I was so tired from the night before that my eyes kept wanting to close shut. It had nothing to do with Wicked b/c it was great, I was just so tired. The red bull and vodka didn't work that night. All I know is if I had the opportunity to see Wicked again, I would definitely go.
California Girl's Trip 2007
Time for a girls trip. We went to L.A. or I should say we stayed in Manhattan beach. We picked LA so we could go and see Wicked. Here we are at the hotel bar getting ready to hit the town. We needed to get some red bull and vodka's in our system so we could stay awake. Not that we are old or anything.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
New Years Day 2007
Here is a pic of Hunky J playing a game of Perfection with Austin and Sam on New Year's Day at my sister, Sandra's house. Everytime this game popped it made Austin jump. During our visit we bought the boys some games to play. We bought Perfection, Big Trouble and Operation. They weren't too keen with Operation and we never got around to playing Big Trouble. As a matter of fact I think we ended up bringing that one home. Oh well, we can always pack it in our suitcase for next time. I think our next visit will be in the summer. Even though it was nice seeing the snow, -1 is still a little bit to chilly for me.
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